We pursue reform of work practices that is focused on the 6S; seiri (sort), seiton (set in order), seiso (shine), seiketsu (standardize), shitsuke (sustain), and smile, which includes all employees.
We ensure that employees leave at their scheduled time each day, and we even make it possible for employees to leave thirty minutes early each day. We are working to foster a mindset focused on improving work efficiency in order to finish work within prescribed hours and, thereby, be able to take fuller advantage of personal time.
We offer staggered working hours to employees except in some offices, as well as all employees who live with and are the primary caretakers of children who are grade three elementary school students or younger. Employees can choose a time on half-hour to arrive at work between 8:00 a.m. and 10:00 a.m.
We have a system in place which allows employees to take their 45-minute lunch break any time between 11:30 a.m. and 1:30 p.m. This helps to avoid lunchtime congestion, provides greater flexibility with break times, and facilitates smoother execution of work duties.
Employees are able to wear whatever is most comfortable and suitable for the season, location, duty, industry, trading partner and other TPO (time, place and occasion) of their job.
In addition to annual holidays, employees are encouraged to take at least two days of paid leave every quarter. We are working to create a workplace environment which is more conducive to taking paid leave.
We promote greater autonomy in work style and, towards that end, have introduced a telecommuting system to give employees greater freedom in adapting their work style to their lifestyle.From the standpoint of business continuity planning for emergencies, such as those resulting from anticipated natural disasters, making a telecommuting work system available normally helps with ensuring employee safety while maintaining quality of service for customers and the continuation of corporate activity.
Kuriyama has introduced a system whereby the company will subsidize repayment of some conditional scholarships which require recent graduates to repay them upon finding employment.
*Maximum subsidy: Up to half of the total amount or 3 million yen (whichever is smaller) over ten years (120 months) from when a recent graduate joins the company
At Kuriyama, we support employees engaged in child-rearing, seeking to provide them with a work environment which is encouraging about their decisions to birth and raise children. In order to create a work environment which is welcoming of employees who are raising small children, a system has been introduced which makes it possible for employees to receive reduced work hours if they are caring for preschool age children (legally this requirement is for children under three, but Kuriyama extends this system to children under six). Kuriyama also supports women's health by subsidizing breast and cervical cancer examinations, not only for female employees but also for the female spouses of male employees. In addition, we are pursuing a number of initiatives aimed at creating a corporate climate which encourages greater participation by women in the workplace.
At Kuriyama, we promote diversity in our management in order to foster respect for different beliefs and values and ensure that each employee can be utilized to his or her full potential, regardless of gender, age or nationality. We actively recruit employees of different nationalities to help accelerate the pace of our global business development.
We are working on local recruitment and long-term development of executive officers from outside of Japan. Also, in order to strengthen compliance and governance within the context of promoting global management, we have established a system for temporary placement overseas of members from the Head Office in order to support executive officers outside of Japan.