
Shareholder and investor-related content published on this website, including financial and business data for Kuriyama Holdings Corporation and its affiliates ("Kuriyama Holdings"), is provided for informational purposes only without any associated guarantees.

It may be the case that some information disclosed by Kuriyama Holdings is not posted on this website, or that the method of information disclosure differs between media. In addition, please be aware that content is subject to change or discontinuation without prior notice.

Kuriyama Holdings exercises great care when posting information on this website. However, no guarantee is provided regarding the accuracy, utility, reliability, etc., of the content of this information. Additionally, Kuriyama Holdings is not responsible for how you use this information, nor for any damages which you may incur as a result of using this information.

Everything published on this website which contains more than a historical record of past plans, strategies, decisions, etc., for Kuriyama Holdings represents a corporate forecast and has been created by Kuriyama Holdings' management team based on available information, assumptions and decisions and, as such, contains various risks and uncertainties. Actual business results and other information announced in the future may differ from what is forecast due to the variability of a number of factors.

The content published on this website is provided for the purpose of facilitating users' understanding of Kuriyama Holdings' financial and business information and is not intended to solicit investment. Please understand that any decision to invest represents a decision made solely by the investor himself or herself. Neither Kuriyama Holdings nor the information provider is responsible for any damage incurred as a result of the data and information published on this website.

Following public announcement of important matters, the disclosed information may be published ("publication" as defined in Article 30 of the Order for Enforcement of the Financial Instruments and Exchange Act) on this website within 12 hours. According to the regulations on insider trading, those who view this website prior to the information's "publication" are considered to be the primary recipients of the information. Please be aware that anyone considered a primary recipient of the information who buys or sells Kuriyama Holdings' shares prior to the "publication" of the information can be considered in violation of the Financial Instruments and Exchange Act's prohibition on insider trading.